Tuesday 23 April 2013

Projects On The Go

So, I'm just about done the present for my pregnant friend Becca ^^ I'll finish it today. Then I can work on making a skirt for myself from some black cotton I bought, crocheting a rock climbing chalk bag for a coworker (he requested it), and crocheting a hairband for another co-worker who's birthday was Sunday. Not sure what else I'm going to work on after I get that done, but part of the fun is figuring that out ^^. I have a tonne of yarn to work with, so prolly another crochet project, but then again I have some fabric hanging around that I might work with. I have a crochet blanket in the works (I dislike crocheting blankets, too bloody tedious!) and some other random projects I have started and in various stages of being finished, maybe I should get around to finishing those... Oh well, we shall see what becomes my next project. I am planning on getting around to photographing those projects I have actually finished and creating an album on here for showcasing them, (I'll have to find someone to take pictures of me in the wearable ones, kinda hard to take a good photo of yourself wearing an article of clothing you've made XD) we'll see how long it takes for me to get that little project done. Anywho, off I go now to finish that present!

Monday 1 April 2013

Ideas Fermenting

Hey there, so no idea what I'm doing still, but I shall persevere. I thought I could write about some of the ideas bouncing around in my head here for crafty projects. I am currently crocheting a present for a pregnant girlfriend of mine, no saying what it is on here as she may read this, but I think it'll be great when I'm done. I'm also working on a new lunch bag for work in crochet. I don't have any sewing projects in progress at the moment, but I've had a few ideas. I have bought some black cotton to make a simple skirt for work (knee length) and some crochet cotton to make a necklace I found the pattern for in the spring issue of Interweave Crochet. I'll post pictures when I'm done. ^^ I also had a brain wave to make a beach towel into a skirt for over a bathing suit come summer (warm weather is on its way hooray!) I shall try to get around to photographing the projects I have actually finished and post them here as well. Anyways, I'm going to sign off here for the night.    Ciao!

Sunday 31 March 2013

Testing 1...2....3

Hey there world, 

As the title says, this is me testing this baby out. Never done this before but have been addicted to a few great blogs in the last while and thought maybe I could do the same. I'm Maureen, and I am a crocheter and a novice (very novice) seamstress. I can technically knit as well, but I'm not very patient and so I haven't done anything with that particular skill in quite a while. I've starting this blog mostly because I've been re-inspired to try sewing again by the wonderful blog "Tilly and the Buttons" and I thought that I could, like Tilly, keep track of my progress using this blog ^^. It's also a great place for me to share my crochet projects, both finished and in-progress, and in-process-of-design (I've been working on designing some of my own crochet things as well). So hopefully this works out alright, and if it doesn't... oh well, it's mostly for personal amusement anyhow :P